Christ Alone!
Romans 10:1-21
Brief Comments
In Romans 9, Paul explained that God had not failed the nation of Israel. Highlighting individuals from their Jewish history, Paul proclaimed that God has sovereignly chosen/elected Israel to bring renewal to the world. God’s people were called to be a light to the Gentiles and a nation of priests to mediate God’s presence to the nations.
It was Israel who failed—not God. Israel was not fulfilling its destiny.
Now writing in the middle of the first-century to the church in Rome, the Jewish nation was in a precarious position. Jesus had come, the gospel was being proclaimed, and many people (especially Gentiles) were trusting Christ to save them from their sins. The majority of the Jews, however, rejected Jesus as the Messiah and were not believing in the truth of the gospel.
“How can we be saved?” This is the question that Romans 10 is answering. Paul’s answer is “Christ alone.” Romans 10 may be outlined with three points: Christ alone is our righteousness (10:1-4), faith in Christ alone saves us (10:5-13), and Christ alone must be proclaimed (10:14-21).
Christ Alone is Our Righteousness (10:1-4)
10:1-4: Paul’s “desire and prayer” is for his people to “be saved.” (10:1; cf. 9:1-5) He longs for them to come to faith. Perhaps one can say that he’s “groaning” for their salvation. Concerning our family members and friends who don’t know the Lord, Paul provides a good example to follow.
He can also relate to their spiritual condition. Zeal and passion for God is important, but one must also have the proper “knowledge” of God’s righteousness (1:2; cf. Galatians 1:13-14; Philippians 3:4-11) One has to look no further than to the many faithful members of other religious traditions to find a parallel (zeal with wrong knowledge about Jesus and the gospel) for today.
In their attempt “to establish their own” righteousness by obedience to the law, Israel has failed to “submit to God’s righteousness”—a righteousness that can only be found in Christ (justification: 3:21-3:31). “Christ is the end of the law for righteousness” (10:4) in two ways. First, Christ is the climax of the law (it points to and finds fulfilment in him: Galatians 3:23-25). Second, Christ has eliminated the role of the law for developing a right relationship with God.
We cannot place our faith in our good works, ethics, or morality to save us. Our “righteous deeds are like a polluted garment” before God’s holiness (Isaiah 64:6) Christ alone is our righteousness. Jesus’ perfect righteousness is the only way to be declared righteous in God’s eyes.
Faith in Christ Alone Saves Us (10:5-13)
10:5-10: If one was to “live by” the law perfectly, then he or she could attain the righteousness necessary (perfect moral goodness) for being right with God. Although this is impossible because all of us have sinned (Romans 3:23), the law still has a purpose (reflects God’s righteousness, restrains sin, and points to Christ).
In Romans 10:5 and 6, Paul quotes Deuteronomy 30:12 (“Who will ascend into heaven?”) and 30:13 (“Who will descend into the abyss”). Paul is teaching that we don’t have to go to heaven to bring Jesus here nor do we need to go to the grave (abyss) to bring him here. Osborne notes that “human effort can no more produce the resurrection that it can the incarnation.” (269)
On the contrary, Jesus is right here. He is available and accessible. In Romans 10:8, Paul applies Deuteronomy 30:14 (“The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart”) to our present spiritual circumstance. Jesus is personal because we can speak about, proclaim, and confess him (mouth) and believe, trust, obey, and worship him (heart).
If our mouths confess “that Jesus is Lord” and our hearts “believe…that God raised him from the dead” then we “will be saved.” (10:9) Paul also notes that this leads to justification and salvation. Faith alone in Christ saves us from our sins.
10:11-13: In Romans 10:11, Paul quotes part of Isaiah 28:16: “Everyone who believes in him will not be put to shame.” The verse in full (Isaiah 28:16) highlights a stone, a previous cornerstone (a picture of Christ as the key foundation of a building structure: Ephesians 2:20-22; 1 Peter 2:4-8) that was laid in Zion (full quote in Romans 9:33).
We will not be “put to shame” (Isaiah uses “haste”) because of the cornerstone’s security and strength. Or, to put a slightly different nuance: We will not be “put to haste” (to leave fast, abruptly) because of the cornerstone’s security and strength.
Concerning Jews and Gentiles, Paul has already made the case that both are condemned for their sins (1:18-3:20). There’s no difference for all have sinned (3:23) Likewise, both Jews and Greeks (used for Gentiles) can be saved by calling “on the name of the Lord.” (10:13)
Our salvation in Christ opens the door to join the elected/chosen spiritual community called the Church (10:13). Jesus is the only way to the Father (John 14:6). There is salvation is no one else (Acts 4:12). It’s not faith in Christ + morality = salvation. It’s faith in Christ alone = salvation.
Christ Alone Must be Proclaimed (10:14-21)
10:14-15: The next two verses identify the practical steps of proclaiming the gospel of Christ alone (from the last to the first) (10:14). So, we will reorder the steps accordingly. “How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed?” (10:14)