Sunday Worship Services: are geared towards loving God with all that we are.  We gather to give thanks to God for all that He has done through music, to know more about Him through studying the Bible, and the grow closer to Him in our eternal relationship.  Services are from 10:30am-12noon with a time of fellowship following.  Please dress comfortably and join us just as you are!


Pathway Ministries exist to effectively live out the vision of the church. The goal is not to develop great programs, but to move people to love God more, express His love to others, and appreciate our own calling and gifts.

Sunday Worship Services: are geared towards loving God with all that we are.  We gather to give thanks to God for all that He has done through music, to know more about Him through studying the Bible, and to grow closer to Him in our eternal relationship.  Services are from 10:30am-12noon with a time of fellowship following.  Please dress comfortably and join us just as you are! Contact us for more information!
Life Groups: are a ministry focused on helping Pathway develop more intimate fellowship. We hope to grow deeper personal relationships by loving each other, studying God's word together, and sharing life experiences while serving our communities together. There are Life Groups in different cities around the Tri-Valley and Castro Valley that meet once a week or twice a month. Visit our life groups page for more information!
Koinonia Youth Ministry: The vision of the youth group is to create an environment where our students can develop their own faith.  We don’t just want to have a program that the students just come to enjoy.  We want to see them grow and develop as faithful followers of Christ with their own personal relationship and understand that as teens they can, and should be leaders in the church (1 Tim 4:12). This ministry is about establishing a lifelong walk with God. We have two weekly after school small groups on Wednesdays, Sunday school and Sunday afternoon Youth Group. Click Here for more information!
First Friday Family Fellowship is perfect for young married couples and/or those who have kids middle school age or younger. Just show up here at 6:30pm on the First Friday of the Month (Next one is October 5th). Dinner and Child Care are both provided - you just show up at Pathway, eat and enjoy the message series "Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage" - by Pastor Mark Gungor.
     Please register here or contact us for more information.

Children's Ministry: Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them,  for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” Luke 18:16 NIV. Our philosophy of teaching is to have fun while learning. We want the kids to know that church is a great place to be, to have fun, be happy and to learn of God’s great love for them. There is a nursery for children from birth to 2 years old, two different preschool classes for 2&3 year old, and 4&5 year old children, and "G-Force Kids" for Kindergarten through 5th Grade. Click here for more information!
Beautiful Day: is a ministry that is focused on blessing the community around the church. Whether it is hosting Sunday morning breakfast, a simple food pantry for those looking for food, raking leaves off of neighborhood yards, creating a fun alternative to Trick or Treating on Halloween night, or helping out by volunteering at different events to serve the people around us, the Beautiful Day ministry wants to create opportunities for people to love others and for others to be loved. Contact us for information about events, to volunteer or for any questions.

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