Do you have a passion for people, connecting with them, working to see spiritual growth, and creating deeper koinonia?
•••Life Group Leaders••• We are always looking to grow our life group ministry. If you are a part of a life group and interested in serving, contact your life group leader! If you're interested in serving in a life group but aren't plugged into one, or if you have an interest in starting a new life group, please contact us! We would love to be able to share our vision for this ministry and train up new leaders to create more koinonia communities!
•••Women's Ministry••• We are looking for someone or a small group of people to help lead our women's ministry. Whether you have a passion for regular meetings and fellowship, coordinating a visit to a conference together, a summer Bible Study or a special event, we could use some volunteers to work together to create some gatherings for our women.
•••BACS Lunch••• Pathway gets to connect with an amazing organization called BACS (Bay Area Community Services) by providing lunch on the first Wednesday of every month. If you would like to help with the lunch/dessert and connect with some amazing people, please consider joining in!
•••Outreach Coordinators•••
Pathway has a number of community services and local groups that we connect with a serve (those that help people in need in our community, serve different populations, and provide services). We are looking to build a team of outreach coordinators who work as bridges between these community groups and our church, keeping communication open and presenting ways for our church to offer support.
•••Foster the City Advocate•••
Pathway is partnering with Foster the City in their mission to help find every foster family a church to offer support. Pathway needs an "advocate" who attend FTC meetings, and also help promote and share the needs of the foster system at Pathway. Please prayerfully consider serving in this way as this ministry can support both a foster child and a foster family in a life stage that can have many ups and downs.
•••Holiday Decorations Team•••
Your creative design is desperately needed! Bring cheer and holiday fun to our church family. We have all the decorations ready to use. Join us! Let's organize, mobilize and decor-ize!